Red Truck Marriage

How to Make Your Marriage the Ideal Place to Hear and Express Feelings

Dr. David & Mrs. Stuart Anderson Season 2 Episode 52

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One of the most common complaints spouses have is that their partner won't talk about their feelings. The absence of sharing feelings frequently leaves couples wondering if there is more to married life than simply managing the mundane day-to-day, having sex once in a while, and taking a vacation every year.

We want you to know you CAN have so much more!

Today we talk about the "why" and the "what" of this common complaint. That is, WHY it is that couples struggle to talk about their feelings, and WHAT you (as a couple) can do about it.

This episode has the potential to help you and your spouse change the old story of emotional disconnect! You will learn how you can create a culture in your marriage that makes sharing feelings commonplace, and thus, create a marriage that feels safe even when those feelings are difficult to express or hear!

So let's get started!