Red Truck Marriage

4 Ways to Have Greater Connection with Your Spouse

Dr. David & Mrs. Stuart Anderson Season 2 Episode 41

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No matter how strong your marriage is, there will always be times of feeling an emotional, spiritual, or physical disconnect. Those are the times when you realize you are just going through the motions as a couple, or "doing life" alone.

If this is your story, you can take action... there is hope for even the most disconnected couple. The key is having a desire to change the story, and then being intentional about your action plan!

Today we talk about how couples can reclaim the connection they once experienced, and go even deeper than ever before! We discuss the "4 P's" of bringing greater connection in your marriage. This strategy is practical, doable, and remarkably effective for couples who desire change.

This episode is a must for any couple who is interested in doing life together as connected partners!

So let's get started!