Red Truck Marriage
Red Truck Marriage
"Whatever May Come; Your Heart I Will Choose" (Pro Tips for Staying Connected to Your Spouse)
Today we talk about an experience we had while out to dinner with friends. One of the couples was celebrating their wedding anniversary, which made the moment "ripe" for meaningful discussion about marriage. The question we threw out to the table of six was, "What are the top one or two 'pro tips' you can offer us for staying emotionally, spiritually, and physically connected?" Wow, did we get a few great nuggets!
If you are like most couples who experience short periods or sometimes long seasons of feeling disconnected, you will want to hear what our friends had to offer! We think you will get a ton of encouragement to pursue your spouse and the Creator of marriage.
It is a true honor to walk with you as we all pursue God's Best in marriage!
So let's get started!