Red Truck Marriage

"Couple-Care" In the Midst of a Busy Life

Dr. David & Mrs. Stuart Anderson

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We are inundated with magazine articles, YouTube videos, TV commercials, and even podcasts about the importance of self-care... but what about Couple-Care?  The lack of Couple-Care is the reason Stuart and I frequently hear couples say, "We can't really explain it, we got busy with life, and now our sense of real connection and partnership has gone away!"

Well, here's what we know to be true: couples who are intentional about caring for their relationship will recognize when the connection is "slipping," and take action!

Today we discuss how the connection in our own marriage started slipping, what the signs were, and what we did to "fix it!" Our story may not exactly be your story, but we know you will relate to how easy it is to allow the day-to-day busyness to distract you from cultivating a marriage full of love and connection. A mutual commitment to Couple-Care is the answer to creating a fulfilling marriage in the midst of a busy life! 

It is a true honor to walk with you as we all pursue God's Best in marriage!

So let's get started!