Red Truck Marriage

Mirror, Mirror On the Wall, Who Do You See After All?

Dr. David & Mrs. Stuart Anderson Season 3 Episode 56

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Do you remember in the story Snow White and the  Seven Dwarfs the Evil Queen became angry when the mirror answered her question with THE TRUTH? Apparently, the Evil Queen was not interested in the truth that could help her become the best version of herself! 

Today we talk about what it means to "hold a mirror up in front of our spouse" for the purpose of having the most intimate relationship possible (and, not to mention, remarkable personal and relational growth). We also talk about some of the reasons why attempting such an intimate act of having those "deeper" conversations ends in pushback, anger, resentment, defensiveness, and withdrawal.

As you will hear in this episode, it's important to continue to grow your marriage so that "looking in the mirror" becomes commonplace! Although those deeper conversations can and will be difficult, the potential outcome can be deep friendship, security, connectedness, and creating the best version of yourself!

As promised... click here to register for the "The Marriage Deck Deep Dive" webinar!

We hope you enjoy this episode!   

So let's get started!